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Management Logistics and Transportation

Management Logistics and Transportation


The overall economic activity leans on the ability of transportation and logistic
system to organize and manage goods and people flows. The BUT in
management Logistics and transportation trains technicians who sets this

Graduated students will be the bond between the customer’s or provider’s
request and the practical realization of logistics operations thanks to the skills
and professional how-know achieved through this degree.

The BUT in management Logistics and transportation is available:

  • In classical degree (4 semesters)
  • In worked-linked degree (with apprenticeship contract)
  • In Associate degree (1 or 2 years)



The selection is made on file for all the candidates with the required formation.

The files are examined by a jury formed by the teaching staff ate the end of
may and beginning of June. Last minute applications can be reviewed in

The majority of recruitment is among candidates with baccalaureate degree:
General baccalaureates, technological and professional bins may be admitted.

The B.U.T in 1 year is accessible to candidates with at least a validated Bac+1
level (all specialities).



Thanks to the versality of this formation, students have wide opportunities for further study :

Students will still get the diploma « DUT GLT » (management, logistics and transport) at the end of the second year and they will have the opportunity to orient themselves towards other formations.

After this diploma many further studies are possible : « Masters », « Colleges »
(colleges of trade, logistics, transport, engineer or many others). 

It is also possible to pursue your studies outside of France (like UK, Germany, Spain…) as part of the university degree in international technology studies (named « DUETI in french ».)

Transport and logistics system creates new jobs every year, particularly in the intermediate hierarchical categories (employees, technicians and supervisors) and graduates of « GLT » ( managment, logistics and transport) quickly find a job.
In companies, the functions performed by the holders of this diploma most often correspond to activities of organization of flow of people or goods (dispatcher, operating or graphicage technician, fleet manager, inventory management, warehouse organization…) 


Graduation opportunities

The transport and logistics system creates new jobs each year, particularly in the intermediate hierarchical categories (employees, technicians and supervisors). GLT graduates have a 6-month insertion rate of 80%.

In companies, the functions performed by the holders of the B.U.T GLT correspond
most often to activities of organization of flows of people or goods (dispatcher, operating or graphicage technician, fleet manager, inventory manager, warehouse organization, …).

As the career unfolds, the holders of the B.U.T GLT frequently manage to occupy positions of team leader with higher responsibilities (operations manager, agency manager, warehouse manager, logistics department manager, …)

The GLT graduate can continue his studies in France and abroad :

  • In France, in Professional License, IUP or higher schools of logistics
  • Abroad, in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, within
    the framework of the ERASMUS network.

Skills acquired as a result of the training :

  • Communicate and know the company.
  • Ability to communicate
  • Good knowledge of foreign languages (English and another living
  • Interpersonal and dialogue skills, ability to work in a team environment
  • Negotiation and business relations skills.
  • Organizational skills, analytical skills
  • Organization and rigour
Contacts MLT Département Management de la Logistique et des Transports 1, allée des Granges Forestier 71100 Chalon-sur-Saône 03 85 42 43 40 Service scolarité 03 85 42 44 62…


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